Hiring the Future of iF

A new cohort as a catalyst for growth
by Lila Zuckermann

We’re excited to be hiring a unique cohort of early-career professionals for our open Strategist roles. This marks a period of transformation for iF as we continue to grow and invest in the professional development of our employees. It’s well-timed with the re-opening of our office and the arrival of summer – fresh growth all around. 

Why a cohort model? We hope to create an environment of collaboration and support for the latest iFsters as they chart their course with iF. The cohort will have each other to lean on and learn from (as well as greater iF, of course). 

Over 20% of iFsters were promoted over the past year, five of the six from our most junior-level roles. We at iF pride ourselves on being a platform for professional growth and advancement. This upward mobility also amplifies the level of important work that we’re able to do. By making an effort to hire earlier-career professionals, we are providing hands-on opportunities to learn for people with a variety of experiences who are ready to take the leap at iF. The incoming cohort is a win-win: job-seekers can jump into interesting opportunities, and we at iF gain to learn more about the company through the perspective of new employees – every time we add iFsters, we learn so much from them. Some questions we’re looking forward to hearing diverse perspectives on include:

  • What are some exemplar best practices across the organization?
  • How can we improve our onboarding and professional development?
  • How can we best support a role-based peer network?
  • Are there additional ways we can leverage our current tools?
  • How can we continue to nurture a culture of growth?

For their first six months at iF, the cohort will be led in a novel way under co-management by Tia Holiday, Director, Postsecondary Education Lead and J.J. Westfall, Director of Operations. It’s a powerful management duo; Tia offers deep expertise in development and extensive client/ project management, and J.J. is the go-to person for knowing the ins and outs of our tools and systems. The aim is to set the new iFsters up for success before transitioning to one of iF’s Practice Areas.

Please follow us here and on LinkedIn as we share more about our experiences recruiting, onboarding and learning from our incoming strategist cohort.

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